How to Lose Belly Fat

 I have to say that almost everyone I have met wants to target fat in one way or another, mainly around the belly. While there are many ways to lose weight, it can be hard to target the extra fat that we may have. 

Before I tell you how to lose belly fat, I want to say this: there is nothing wrong with belly fat. And there is nothing wrong with wanting to have less belly fat.

So I will warn you – in this article, you will not find the quick-fix scams that you might read in a magazine or on the web. I will give you practical, realistic, and big-picture answers surrounding belly fat.

Why Does Belly Fat Matter?

As I am sure you have noticed, regardless of body fat, people are all shaped differently. And where we store fat in our body matters.

There are two types of fat: Visceral fat and subcutaneous fat.

Subcutaneous fat is the padding that is just under the surface of the skin.

Visceral fat is the fat deep in the abdomen, often surrounding vital organs like the liver, stomach, and intestines. Visceral fat contributes to the formation of arterial plaque, blood clots, and chronic inflammation. It is also associated with the risk of metabolic disorders like type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

Generally, if someone has more subcutaneous fat, they will also have more visceral fat – but not always!

Why Do I Have Belly Fat?

Well, where we store fat affects our hormones, genetics, and certain medical conditions. Many things can increase visceral fat, including a higher body fat percentage, being male, aging, postmenopausal, certain gene variations, and high cortisol levels.

We can’t do anything about our genes, age, and sex, but we do control a few other things!

So, How to Lose Belly Fat – 6 Steps!

This is the trick to incredible results – the ability to practice basic health behaviors repeatedly.

Yeah. You read right! I promise! Having the ability to practice these behaviors will help you see results!

Know why you want to change your belly!

This will help you set clear goals. Are you healthy, but your clothes are getting tighter? Did your doctor tell you that you are at risk for a disease? Are you looking to get shredded with visible abs?

All of these reasons are valid! But remember, getting a flat stomach won’t fix some emotional toils we may experience. In fact, being hyper-lean creates its own list of problems and stresses. Anyway, let’s get back to the list!

Accept that there is no trick to spot-reducing belly fat… unfortunately.

We all want the easy way out of stubborn problems. Especially when life feels like enough. Plus, there is no shortage of unsolicited advice to make us think that spot-reducing is possible and easy. Urgh.

Belly fat and body fat loss go hand in hand. So if you lose overall body fat, you are likely to lose belly fat too.

Find Movement That You Enjoy!

You cant burn away belly fat with just abdominal exercises or vibrating waist belts.

So remember that exercise only works if you do it consistently and long-term!

In other words,” one exercise until you puke session isn’t going to flatten your belly. It takes session after session, week after week, and month after month to see and maintain results.

Ideally, you would want to combine some form of resistance training with some form of cardio. But if you are looking to lose weight too, emphasize lower-intensity exercises as well. This way, you will not want to overeat afterward.

Consume a Diet Centered Around Whole Foods.

There are not many foods that magically shrimp your belly, but highly processed foods can derail some efforts to get leaner if you overeat them. And they are really easy to overeat.

Incorporate lean proteins, colorful fruits and vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds into your diet to provide a more satisfying diet.

Yes, you can still eat your favorite foods! But make sure to measure your portion sizes!

Eat Slowly, Until You are Satisfied.

A lot of people have trouble with this. Try not to get distracted while eating but tune in to your thoughts, emotions, and bodily sensations to your eating. This way, you will enjoy the food you eat more and likely stop yourself from overeating it.

Approach this process and everything above with self-compassion instead of criticism.

Keeping a positive attitude around yourself and this process is so crucial. Research shows that self-compassion is linked to healthier eating and more consistent habits. In turn, this helps improve rates of anxiety, depression, and stress and improves greater overall well-being.


Now, these are 6 ways to start reducing belly fat. Yes, I know it is probably not what you are thinking. But this is just the start. A healthy body is the result of the support of all dimensions of your life. Relationships, mental well-being, emotional health, nutrition, and spiritual life… all of these affect our healthy body.

At Mindy Roth Nutrition, we help address all the dimensions of life that affect our nutrition and physical health. Click here to start this journey with a dietitian nutrition coach today!


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