How Stress Can Sabotage Your Results

When trying to make a lasting change to your health and wellness, a hidden obstacle can stand in your way. Stress. Chronic stress can derail even the best nutrition and movement strategies you are trying to implement. New research from the UCLA has uncovered that stress and obesity are more closely intertwined than most experts recognize. So I wanted to break down that research to help you make actionable steps toward your goals despite a stressful environment. How can stress lead to weight gain: Stress can affect a bunch of systems that are involved in weight control. Moreover, these are not just isolated effects. Each system is a feedback loop that can affect all others. Cognition: stress can affect your mind, specifically executive function and self-regulation. These include mental skills like thinking, planning, organizing, and the ability to focus and manage your emotions. Physiology: There are three ways stress might affect your physiologicall...