Signs that you aren't eating enough. I bet you'll learn something!
“oh yeah, I eat 1000 calories a day! I certainly eat enough” “A friend of my aunt twice removed lost 50 pounds and all she had to do was only eat one meal a day.” Hmm… the diet and wellness industry in collaboration with social media has reaaallllyyyy done some damage to woman here.. Many commercial diet programs educate woman on eating minimal calories to achieve their weight loss and body image goals. There are many “self-proclaimed” experts out there who share what they eat, what diet they did, or what crazy concoction drink they did to lose weight quick. But this is just not ok. We all need calories to live and thrive! Calories, carbs, fat, protein.. all of it. Can you lose weight while eating close to nothing? Sure, for a little while. But eventually you will be able to notice when this is not working anymore. Or you will notice some other signs that life just isn’t going so great anymore. I often see many of my clients are not eating enough calories. Actually, I would...